Mannagrynstorget View in maps
Short term prices
Short term prices
Zone code 3801 Mannagrynstorget
Weekdays 07-17:
1 h - 30 SEK
Maximum parking time 3 h
Weekdays 17-07:
1 h - 30 SEK
Night (17-07) - 200 SEK
Weekends 00-24:
1 h - 30 SEK
Day, to 24 - 200 SEK
Service fee app: 4,95 SEK
This facility is only available for short term parking.
- Number of parking spots: 12
- Indoors: No
Opening hours for short term parking
IN 00–24OUT 00–24
Short term prices
Zone code 3801 Mannagrynstorget
Weekdays 07-17:
1 h - 30 SEK
Maximum parking time 3 h
Weekdays 17-07:
1 h - 30 SEK
Night (17-07) - 200 SEK
Weekends 00-24:
1 h - 30 SEK
Day, to 24 - 200 SEK
Service fee app: 4,95 SEK
Payment methods for short term parking
- Aimo app