Station Åre Garage
Here you will find information about our parking Station Åre Garage in Åre. Welcome to us at Aimo Park!
Sankt Olavs väg 33 View in maps
Short term prices
Short term prices
Zone code 1019 Station Åre, garage / Station Åre, uteparkering
Alla dagar 00-24:
Första timmen - 10 kr
Därefter 1 h - 20 kr
Natt (19-09) - 150 kr
Minsta parkeringsavgift 5 kr
This facility is only available for short term parking.
- Number of parking spots: 90
- Drive through height: 2 m
- Indoors: Yes
- Heated: Yes
Opening hours for short term parking
IN 07–22OUT 07–22
Short term prices
Zone code 1019 Station Åre, garage / Station Åre, uteparkering
Alla dagar 00-24:
Första timmen - 10 kr
Därefter 1 h - 20 kr
Natt (19-09) - 150 kr
Minsta parkeringsavgift 5 kr
- Bicycle parking
- Disabled parking
- Elevator
- Information
- Motorcycle parking
Payment methods for short term parking
- OKQ8
- Visa
- Circle K
- St1
- Volvo
- American Express
- MasterCard
- Shell
- Aimo app